Annie Turbin Designs

Annie Turbin, an independent clothing designer, needed to replace her paper-based billling and record-keeping system.  I built an interface intuitive enough for one not quite comfortable with computers while providing the unique functionalities required by her business. 

Order Form
Selecting a customer from drop-down list automatically fills in the billing and shipping information.  Selecting an "Item Type" from the first column causes the "Style" list to show only styles available for that Item Type; "Size" and "Color" are then limited to those available for the selected Style.
Product Sales Report
The user can filter this report by date range and/or a customer and/or a style of garment.  (NOTE:  Please do not call Annie asking for a mink bikini.  I made the data up.  ;-))
Yardage Report
This report, filterable by date range, customer and/or style, calculates the quantities of each fabric required and the quantities of each to be dyed based on pending orders. 

*All data displayed is fictitious.

Might something resembling the above be useful to you?  Let's discuss.

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